Welcome to The Critical Philosophical & Psychoanalytic Institute for Mathematics Education (CPPI-ME).

Our goal is to bring together mathematics education researchers and practitioners from all around the world who have an interest in critical, philosophical, and/or psychoanalytic research interests in mathematics education. Our motivation for this is to synchronize efforts across the globe to perform what we see is crucial research for the "next epoch" of the mathematics education field and STEM education fields more broadly, and to also build community by connecting researchers and practitioners across contexts. Additionally, we are motivated to shed light on this type of research in the mathematics education field, as it is frequently misunderstood or sidelined.

We also publish the peer-reviewed Journal for Theoretical & Marginal Mathematics Education (JTM-ME).

Research interests we seek to include are broadly defined, but centrally include: 

critical as broadly defined (to include social critique—e.g., critical pedagogy, feminist materialism, Marxism, anarchism, queer theory—philosophy of language, critical philosophy, etc.)

philosophy of mathematics and mathematics education (broadly defined, also as methodology)

psychoanalysis in mathematics and mathematics education (broadly defined, also as methodology)

post-qualitative inquiry (and its derivatives, e.g., critical autoethnography, performance, refusal methodologies, poetry, and so forth)

The institute will strive to:

–Connect scholars and practitioners, and showcase their work.

–Act as a repository for practitioner resources.

–Herald the development of critical, philosophical, and psychoanalytic research and theory in mathematics education, and STEM education fields more broadly.

–Publish contributors' papers that would be of interest/use to both researchers and practitioners.

–Challenge the boundaries of "normative" mathematics education research.

–Envision the development and use of new theoretical and methodological paradigms, while maintaining strict ethics.

–Problematize the field's "norms."

The institute's formation was motivated by:

A general sense of disconnectedness amongst researchers, doctoral students, and practitioners sharing this orientation.

–The need for greater visibility for "non-traditional" research and practice in mathematics education.

–The need for the development of new paradigms in mathematics education.

–The Hegelian call that, "We need new institutions."

–A vision inspired over the last 5 years by convergent efforts such as: practitioners' use of resources like Rethinking Schools, conversations at conferences, and a sense of disconnectedness between conference presentations, research articles, and lectures on related matters by people working in this field.

–Discouragement to publish certain types of papers due to perceived negative reception by the academy.

–A new generation of mathematics education researchers entering the field.

–The "turns" experienced by the field over the past 20 years.

Levels of Member Participation:

There is absolutely no cost for membership or participation in any of the institute's offerings. Everything is conducted pro bono and through the generous gifts of time of our members. The institute will install members at different levels, depending on their desired level of engagement with the institute's activities. Members can choose to specify special interest or research areas with which they professionally identify. 

Adjunct Expert – Those who do not wish to commit to any regular contribution to the institute's activities but are still available to consult on specific issues.

Visiting Scholar – Occasionally reviews papers, and commits to contributing 1 of the following per year: an original paper, OR an editorial, OR giving a lecture/seminar.

Fellow – Regularly reviews papers, and commits to contributing some combination of 2-3 of the following per year: an original paper, an editorial, or giving a lecture/seminar.

Senior Fellow – All the responsibilities of the Fellow but has either (1) participated in the administration/development of the institute, or (2) been a Fellow of the institute for a at least 5 years.

In addition, members who join by the end of the 2021 calendar year will additionally receive the honorific designation of "Founding Member."

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